Therapy For Adults

Therapy for Adults

Reclaim Your Balance: Tailored Therapies for Adults Well-being

Therapy For Adults – RTT therapy focuses on the profound interconnection between the conscious and subconscious mind. The conscious mind is where our thinking, learning, reasoning, and decision-making processes occur. It’s the part of our mind that engages with the world around us, absorbs information, and makes rational choices. Once it has processed enough information, it passes these learnings to the subconscious mind. These learnt programmes then continuing to run our future thought patterns, feelings and behaviours.  

Therapies For Adults: Understanding the Mind: The Foundation of Our Approach

The subconscious mind acts as the repository of all our learned behaviours and habits, both good and bad. From walking and speaking a language to driving a car, our subconscious helps us perform these activities without conscious thought. However, it is also where less desirable habits and behaviours—like unhealthy eating, anxiety, stress, addiction, and insomnia—are stored. It is this understanding that forms the basis of our subconscious therapy approach, offering a pathway to replace these negative patterns with positive changes.

Transforming Lives with Subconscious Therapy

Through therapy, I engage directly with the subconscious mind, aiming to persuade it to let go of outdated beliefs, thoughts, and behaviours and to instead adopt new, healthier patterns. This process not only facilitates positive habit change but also promotes a sense of mental calmness, relaxation, and control. With over 12 years of experience in therapy, I have witnessed countless clients transform their lives and move forward without looking back.

What to Expect in a Therapy Session

Whether you choose to have your session online or in person, your journey begins with a discovery call consultation. Where we will discuss your specific difficulties,  how they impact and show up in your life and what your life would look like with out them. We will discuss the method to be used, and I will provide you with an overview of what to expect during the session, and estimate the number of sessions required. Typically, sessions involve guiding you into a deeply relaxed state,  helping you to identify the old thought patterns and unhelpful beliefs, and replacing them with more postive beliefs in order to help you to overcome the specific problem for good or reduce the symptoms greatly.

Difficulties that can be helped by RTT Therapy Include:

  • Anxiety and Stress-Related Issues
  • Low Self-Esteem and Lack of Confidence
  • Imposter Syndrome
  • Rejection Sensitive Dsyphoria
  • ADHD and Autism
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Depression
  • Fears and Phobias
  • Insomnia and Sleep Issues
  • Alcohol Misuse and Addictions
  • Smoking and Vaping 
  • Unhealthy Eating Habits
  • Weight Control
  • Preparing for Interviews and Public Speaking
  • Driving Test or Exam Nerves

By choosing Therapy to Freedom, you’re taking a step towards a healthier, more empowered version of yourself. My therapy services are designed to help you break free from the chains of negative habits and embrace a life of positivity and well-being.

Begin Your Transformation Today

If you’re ready to overcome obsticles and enhance your life, contact me to schedule a consultation appointment. Together, we can navigate the path to your freedom and happiness.

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My Therapies

Unlock your path to freedom, personal growth, and emotional well-being by empowering your journey towards healing and self-discovery with tailored RTT therapy.
Improve your relationships with tailored therapy sessions, helping you rekindle connection, improve communication, and build a stronger foundation with your loved one.
Helping children & Teenagers overcome anxiety, social difficulties, exam nerves, sadness and fears and increase their confidence and well-being.
Helping children and teenagers with ADHD overcome anxiety, social challenges, exam stress, and fears while boosting their confidence and overall well-being.
Unlock your path to a stronger partnership, personal growth, and emotional well-being by empowering your journey towards healing and connection with tailored therapIES.
Empower your journey towards profound healing and personal growth with tailored RTT sessions designed to foster deeper connections and self-discovery.

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Experience a transformative night's sleep with my FREE Download. I'm delighted to offer you a complimentary deep sleep meditation recording designed to put you into a relaxed state of deep, restorative sleep. Click now to begin your journey to better sleep and freedom from restlessness.

Therapy For Adults

Explore the specifics of Therapy for Adults, discover how Adult subconscious therapy can benefit you, or address any concerns about the experience through our comprehensive commonly asked questions, which are designed to offer insightful, straightforward answers, to your questions. See my full list of FAQs

Subconscious Therapy involves a naturally occurring, safe, and relaxed state where you remain fully conscious and in control. It’s akin to the feeling of daydreaming or the mental state during routine tasks where focus is maintained subconsciously. During subconscious therapy, you are aware of your surroundings and maintain control over your actions and speech.

No, Subconscious Adult Therapy does not involve sleeping. It is a state of deep relaxation and focused awareness — more akin to a meditative state or daydreaming. You will hear and remember what happens during the session, and you can emerge from Subconscious Therapy feeling refreshed and relaxed.

Most people can undergo Subconscious Therapy, and many experience significant benefits from this approach, regardless of their initial scepticism. Subconscious Therapy is a tool for deep relaxation that everyone naturally experiences, and its effectiveness can vary, but it often produces remarkable results in behavioural and emotional change.

 Subconscious Adult Therapy is versatile and can help address a wide range of issues, including anxiety, panic attacks, stress, phobias, depression, smoking cessation, and weight loss. While powerful, it is not a cure-all; some conditions may require a combination of Subconscious Therapy and other treatments.

Absolutely. Subconscious Therapy cannot make you act against your will. You remain in control throughout the session and can terminate it at any time. The therapeutic process is about empowerment, not surrendering control.